My other addiction - being a beverage - just happens to be "hot chocolate" which yes has to be given up along with oranges, kiwifruit, mandarins and I imagine pineapple and tomatoes.
Why .... you may ask .... because little Hazel has runny poos which have ranged from flourescent green to dark poo yellow, (which means it has blood mixed in). After been told not to worry too much about it by my number of midwives after nearly 4 months now, the plunket nurse suggested I check it out. Dear Dr Rita, GP, just said straight off .... new borns shouldn't be pooing so much, so runny - it must be foods that you are eating that are laxatives - eg. coffee - (don't drink that - whew) chocolate ...NOOOOO - any ctirus etc !
So the experiment now begins .... 24 hours ... 48 hours ..... let's see if her poos improve ..... But so worth it for my wee cutie. Check her out in her little froggie ribbit jamas.
Why didn't someone tell me earlier ... imagine all the nappy liners I wouldn't have had to scrape !!!!!!!!!!!
On a more brighter note ...... it is lovely to see parents spending quality time with their children. One thing Andrew is great at !
Also 'doing' correspondence kindy with Anika helps me to do more creative things with Anika when I do spend time with her. Hence making choc chippie biscuits with shapes from the good old tupperware shape sorter.
I can't resist putting in the latest photo of our girls. They are a joy.