December 6, 2008

I did it ... but which part did you enjoy the most ....

I completed my Try athalon on the 23rd of November in 1 hour 7 minutes and 40 seconds.

So which part did you enjoy the most ???

Being part of the atmosphere and being the one taking part was really cool.

Not this part - don't be fooled by the smile.

Not this part - yes a welcome relief to have a change of focus after the run.

Not this part - coming in way after all of the road bikes had cruised seemingly leisurely past me.

Obviously not this part before the swim, hobbling over to the pool.

But this part ..... sorry no photo because my support team were behind the camera - waving and cheering me on. Go Mummy Go !!!!

1 comment:

Sally said...

Hey Gill, well done. You look great and have obviously worked hard to get to being able to do this. Inspirational.